
Save facebook reels
Save facebook reels

save facebook reels

If you’re not familiar with Reels at all, you can read our beginners guide to Instagram Reels…

save facebook reels

Reels are recommended based on what may be relevant to you and may appear in places like your News Feed and Facebook Watch.” You can also view public reels from Instagram, if the creator chooses to recommend it on Facebook. “Reels on Facebook are short-form videos. If you already use TikTok a lot and want to repurpose your videos to use for Facebook Reels, be sure to save them without the TikTok logo.Talk about things your audience cares about by addressing their needs and goals.

save facebook reels

  • If you have already been posting Instagram Reels for a while, take what’s working on that platform and apply the same strategies to Facebook.

  • Save facebook reels